Commercial Door Installations in Chicago, IL
In any city, I’m sure you’ll encounter a commercial building in every corner. Whether those are stores scattered around the area or schools, they are going to be present in an area since they serve a purpose.
These stores and buildings are known as commercial buildings (hospitals, schools) and the stores are referred to as commercial stores- they provide essential necessities such as groceries and other needs. Commercial stores are a must-have for small places since they have necessities in one place, which is why it should be overall maintained.
Everything in a commercial store should be working and are not damaged to the point that they cause inconvenience. If there is damage, consider replacing it for the sake of the workers and customers.
Commercial doors are one of the main parts of a commercial store or any commercial building, rather. They serve as the entry and exit for all kinds of customers. They are also a part of the aesthetic of the building. Worried there are nobody to install your commercial doors? We got you covered. We, the Atlas Door Repair, are here for your commercial door troubles. However, we will supply you tips, for now, on how to successfully install a commercial door.
Can also be modified to increase the security of a room, or additions like hydraulic door closer installation can also expand the commercial door’s functionalities. Although these commercial doors seem so versatile, there is only one company to call when they are damaged, and that is Atlas Door Repair!
- Make sure to get the right materials. Getting the right materials is crucial since it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle if you mount the door on the opening.
- Check the location. Locate the correct door by checking at the mark or opening number on the door. The mark number could be written on the label, whether on the top or bottom, or stamped into the hinge reinforcement.
- Verify the door using the hardware schedule and drawing to ensure that you have the correct door, frame, and hardware set.
- Make sure the frame opening is correct. Before starting door installation, make sure the frame opening is the correct width and its plumb, square, and level. If it is not correct, it can cause issues with the door fit as well as hardware function and may cause future accidents.
- Get the measurements correct.
- Close the door and check the proper clearances between the rabbet of the frame and the edge of the door.
Repair is also a thing to consider when it comes to doors. Did you know that doors are the barrier between the inside and the outside of the store? This means they are more vulnerable to all kids of damage! So, don’t be too surprised If your door has any damage once you check every two to four months. Not to worry though, we, the Atlas Door Repair, are also experts and pros in commercial door repair!
We cover different types of doors since stores are different and they have their unique tastes. This is why we make sure that we can repair any commercial door! From hollow metal doors to manual sliding doors, our commercial door repair comes in an extensive range.
To learn more about our door installation services, call (800) 359-3449. We’ll diagnose your doors’ issue in depth
Atlas Door Repair repairs entry doors, back doors and panic exit doors! Like I mentioned before, we cover a wide range of types of doors. Examples would be:
Roll Up Doors, Swinging Doors, Double Doors, Manual Sliding Doors, Bay Doors, Sliding Glass Doors, Hollow Metal Doors, Automatic Sliding Doors, Electric Doors and Interior Doors.
We can also fix: metal door frames, door pivots, door locks, panic exit bars door knobs, door closers and openers and hydraulic door closers.

Here’s Why Atlas Door Repair is the #1 Choice for Door Solutions:
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Please call us now at 800-359-3449 for a free quote or more info on our automated door repair plus installation services. You may also complete the easy service request form at right for a free quote.
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Need to schedule door repair or new installation services? To schedule a repair, or for a free quote on our services with no obligations to buy, please call us now at 800-359-3449.