Are dirty spots constantly plaguing your shower glass doors, and you’re not sure where it’s coming from? Don’t worry just yet, because Atlas Door Repair has quick and easy solutions for this (admittedly) annoying issue.

And you don’t have to shell out an absurd amount of money for this! This problem can be solved with little effort and maybe a little help from your trusty household items!

If you’re wondering how to keep your shower glass doors clean with every use, stick around and let the top-performing door company in Florida give you some insider tips for glass shower doors.

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1. Wipe it down!

These shower doors are glass, so you’d imagine they’re a little more on the low-maintenance side. And that is true for the most part, but they are very prone to water spots because of the build-up of hard water, so you’d need to scrub after every use to keep it squeaky clean.

But if you don’t have the time to do this, there are other ways you can keep your shower glass clean by making time to do these steps at least once a week.

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2. Vinegar

The easiest cleaning solution you can make— white vinegar diluted with water. This simple mixture can help you get rid of water spots FAST. Spray the mixture on the glass and let it sit for a few; wipe it, and voila! For a stronger mixture, use baking soda instead of water for a heavy-duty paste you can rinse off.

You Might Want to Read Shower Glass Doors: Sliding vs Hinged?

3. Let the air in

If you always close your shower glass doors right after a shower without letting outside air circulate— then you might get more prominent water spots.

To learn more about our what Atlas Door Repair can do for you, call (800) 359-3449. We’ll diagnose your doors’ issue in depth

If you’ve DIY-ed all the steps and there are still no results, it’s time to call the professionals, Atlas Door Repair— the most trusted door company in Florida, today at (800) 359-3449.