Having no doors in your workplace, where would you be? We’ll state you where you’d be, you’d be in front of your office in Greater Orlando looking at an inaccessible office space! Yet, there’s so much things needed to happen in mounting commercial doors in Orlando and other cities out ther than simply poking a hole in the wall. Most people do not consider the complexities of door installation and wound up with a building that is clearly not up to standard or not functioning correctly at all.

Fortunately, it’s easy to pinpoint and prevent these failures. That’s why we’ve highlighted these 7 key mistakes in the installation of commercial doors.

Keep a checklist of these, and the installation of commercial doors would be considerably easier.

1. Commercial Doors Installation: Consider Regulations in Orlando

commercial door replacementWhen you begin commercial door installation, one most crucial part to do is to understand regulatory standards.

For disabilities and wheelchair access, that’s the most important. Your commercial property must be accessible to every person. This implies you need to incorporate other factors, such as wheelchair ramps.

But you have to strictly follow ADA regulations as far as the door is concerned.

The ADA specifies how wide an entrance way like doors has to be in order for wheelchair users to pass through it, as well as other dimensions to take into consideration. You’re already making a big risk with setting up your commercial door if you don’t follow the prescribed standards.

2. Account the Swing Find the Swing of the Door

For almost all door plans, there is a swinging aspect. In order to enable access, it needs to be easily opened and closed.

Where several door installers screw up is in failing to consider the door arc in the building design. You may not have considered how far the door arcs out first before opening when your property is highly cramped.

When this occurs, two swing doors may clash causing the narrow corridor to be inaccessible.

To ensure that a door may be opened and closed inside the room, you can factor the swing of a door into initial measurements.

Also Read 4 Dead Giveaways You’re Due for a Shower Door Replacement

3. You should Measure and Again Measure!

Some other thing to remember is that you still need to double-check the measurements!

You can’t just measure a property once and assume that you did it accurately for the first time. Before you build, you should double-check every single dimension you take.

Otherwise, you’re going to waste a whole deal of time and resources repairing the issue if it is wrong. Double-checking procedures are for early possible issue detection, to eliminate further work down the line.

This might sound like a waste of time at the moment, but if a measurement is not done properly, it’s nothing compared to the waste of effort and money you may face.

4. Think of the Trimmings

than expected. While, there might be wide holes under a door that appear unsightly and make the office room feel unprofessionally constructed, if the trim is too small. An appropriate conclusion is neither of these.

Often make your add-ons match your door, and the same way you feast on the turkey, you will be celebrating on a well-installed commercial door!

5. Dream about hardware, dream about doors

A door is not simply a door. It would be a block, if it were, which looks like an additional portion of the wall.

No, a door contains other hardware that is an important part of the construction process, such as door handles, electric door knobs, and locks. For your door installation, you must ensure you choose the best hardware. Adding the lock on the wrong side of the door is absolutely a problem down the road.

6. Don’t Think It’s Simple

Don’t assume that installing a commercial door is a laid back part of the job that you can do on your own. Door installation is a challenging thing of the construction phase, we assure you.

Most people who think that they are skilled at installing doors themselves and do not request a professional, mistakes can be made. Thus, they end up losing more time and more resources.

It pays to work with the professionals for the finest and desirable result in commercial door installation.

So, get your professional door specialist help now. Give us a call for assistance when you’re in Orlando or surrounding counties.

Also Read 4 Signs Your Door Needs Replacing (And Fast)

Call us at 800-359-3449. We’ll be happy to make your shower dreams come true.