Hollow metal doors are cooler than you think. Hollow metal and steel doors are probably the best thing to come out of the door industry… and we’ll tell you exactly why.

Of course, every client has their own individual needs which calls for different door materials as well. We recognize that… it’s literally our whole business! But! But— a hollow metal door is really a versatile option if you’re not decided on what door you need.

You Might Want to Read 5 Perks of Having Hollow Metal and Steel Doors

Here are three reasons why hollow metal doors are probably the cream of the crop… and why you’ll want to cop one ASAP:

1. Longevity

They last LONG. Of course, steel as a material is of a much higher caliber than— let’s say for example— wood. But many of us forget this fact since hollow steel doors are not a common material to use, especially in residential projects.

But they’re pretty solid! They can last you about 30 years with proper maintenance. They can cost a little more than their wooden counterpart, but it’s definitely bang for your buck.

You Might Want to Read Why You Should Install Hollow Metal Doors for Your Home

2. Durability

Wood can warp and peel over time, glass can crack. But hollow metal doors are resistant to most of the issues that plague your doors. Though they can have scratches or dents, they’re easy fixes, unlike doors that break or shatter. And you can do away with bare minimum maintenance without so much as an issue (although we advise against this, of course!)

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3. Special Features

A hollow metal door has many unique characteristics. There are a lot of specialty metal doors but usually, they are fire-rated, have great sound insulation, and are easy to clean. Plus— added security— they’re hard to break into.!

To learn more about our what Atlas Door Repair can do for you, call (800) 359-3449. We’ll diagnose your doors’ issue in depth

If you’re in the suburbs of Chicago and need of a professional installation of high-quality hollow metal doors, contact the leading door company in the Midwest, call Atlas Door Repair today at (800) 359-3449.