Steel doors are prime real estate for public enemy #1: rust.

When unchecked, those little brown specks devour door integrity faster than you can say ‘hollow metal and steel doors.’ And, mind you, that takes a good minute.

But have no fear, defending your hollow metal and steel doors from rust is as easy as pie— if you know when to act.

If you catch corrosion early and treat it as soon as you can— rust will be in a ‘no biggie’ category.

But if you take your time and let it spread? Restoring steel doors can get really ugly, really fast. We’re talking expensive door repair to even more expensive full door replacement.

The good news is… that all of this is preventable at the low cost of acting as quickly as you can.

Here’s how to prevent your steel door from turning into a steel nightmare:

Yearly Inspections

Check those doors, your hollow metal door frames, knobs, hinges… basically any hardware you can lay your eyes upon. Any rust spots? No? Then you can sleep soundly tonight.

But if your answer’s a yes— we’ll tell you right now. Waiting is how specks go into ginormous problems. Go call your local door technician!

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Gentle Cleaning

Rust has gotta go. Homemade solutions like vinegar and baking soda are worth a try, but if you want to do it the fast way— try a commercial rust remover. Better yet, call in a pro!

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Rust Fighter

Protect that seamless metal finish with rust-inhibiting primer or paint. You can skimp, but we highly recommend it. It works!

A little effort goes a long way. And by a long way, we mean from ravaging your bank account in repairs AND your door’s integrity.

To learn more about our what Atlas Door Repair can do for you, call (800) 359-3449. We’ll diagnose your doors’ issue in depth

And, you can call in the pros at Atlas Door Repair if you need an expert tune-up for your steel doors. You can talk to us today at (800) 359-3449!